Lecture: Our Year in the USA - A Family Adventure and A New Daily Life

Lecture: Our Year in the USA - A Family Adventure and A New Daily Life

During the spring, Litorina Folkhögskola organizes lectures that travels around the world, this time the USA!

Lecture in Swedish!
Litorina Folkhögskola organizes lectures with the theme of one country per evening during the spring. The lecture series One country per evening is a special course given as a series of travel stories or a personal presentation of a home country, during fifteen evenings, by hired lecturers, the so-called Litorina globetrotters. You choose whether to follow the whole series and pay the course fee or attend one or another series of evenings.

One country per evening is now in its seventh semester and has gradually become very popular. The course was created as a way to “travel in the imagination” concept during the pandemic, when physical travel was severely restricted world wide.

The aim is to “travel” to fifteen different destinations in the world with a lecturer, during one semester, with the aim of broadening the participants' horizons, understanding and experiences of our world and contributing to general education about geography, cultures and societies through personal and entertaining reports. As an extra feature, a taste of the destination or a good coffee break is included in the price.

Each session is a colorful cavalcade of facts, pictures, adventures, tales and stories from all corners of the world. On this day, the lecture "Our Year in the USA - A Family Adventure and A New Daily Life" will be held by the Linder family. See picture for list of the rest of the spring lectures.

Location: Alamedan 12 in central Karlskrona.
Time: Thursday, February 20th, 17:30-19:00, including coffee.
Price: The entire lecture series/course including coffee 980 SEK. Evening price 80 SEK per time including coffee.
Registration: For the entire series, fill in the web form on Litorina's website.
For single evenings, sign up to Linda Sandberg via email.