Canoe school

Canoe school

Welcome to participate in Eskimo's annual canoe school. As usual holds
the canoeing school is open to children, youth and adults.

The canoe school is open to children, youth, adults or even better families.
Targeting is a little different for adults and children. The children mainly paddle exercise kayaks and adults paddle
stable sea kayaks.

Some of the elements are the same for youth and adults, but sometimes we also train separately. Instructors at the canoe school are our skilled competition paddlers for the children's / youth part and our sea kayak leaders for the adult part.

Children and young people carry out activities according to the canoe association's Paddle Power program while adults go through elements in the canoe association's paddle pass yellow/green (and partly blue) level sea kayaking and will have the opportunity to examine themselves at yellow level at the end of the course.