Guided tour - Drottningskärs Citadel

Guided tour - Drottningskärs Citadel

Join us for an exciting tour of Drottningskär Citadel.

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Drottningskär Citadel is considered one of the foremost creations of Swedish fortification, featuring an innovative style of fortification developed by the military and architect Erik Dahlberg. The naval fortress began construction in conjunction with the establishment of the new naval base in Karlskrona in 1680. As defending the entrance to the naval harbor was of utmost importance, fortifications were needed on the two islands of Tjurkö and Aspö. Thus, Kungsholms Fortress and Drottningskär Citadel were constructed on either side of the inlet.

2 tours/day:
11:15-12:00 and 13:15-14:00

1/6-31/8 Daily
1/9-30/9 Saturday and Sunday

100 SEK/adult
45 SEK/ages 12-18
20 SEK/ages 0-11

Tickets are sold at Karlskrona tourist center and online via, see the booking link down below.