Meet the Radio Correspondents

Meet the Radio Correspondents

Swedish Radio's foreign correspondents bring the world to you!

Swedish Radio's correspondents are on the scene when and where it happens. From our reporters around the world, you get lightning-fast news coverage, as well as in-depth analysis and background to what has happened. Our hope is that this makes the world a bit more understandable.

Swedish Radio has the largest network of correspondents in the Nordic countries. With 19 correspondents around the world and about ten staff members in Stockholm, one of our important tasks is to contribute to increased knowledge and understanding by highlighting events that might otherwise fall into media shadow.

Swedish Radio has prioritized foreign coverage for many years. In a time when journalism and freedom of expression are under attack in more and more countries, it is crucial to be on the ground where everything actually happens. To better understand the world, both knowledge and presence are needed. With a broad network of correspondents, are well-positioned to contribute to this.
Anders Pontara, Head of Foreign News, Ekot, Swedish Radio