Oceania Sirena - Cruisevisit to Karlskrona September 3:rd

Oceania Sirena - Cruisevisit to Karlskrona September 3:rd

We welcome the ship Oceania Sirena from Oceania Cruises to Karlskrona.
Oceania Sirena is a 181 meter long ship with a maximum of 826 passengers and a crew of 373 people. The ship will be anchored on the ship and the passengers will be driven in by tender boats to Kungsbron/Sparre.
Guests are Englishspeaking.
The boat comes in about 09.00 and leaves Karlskrona at 18.00.

During the season of 2024, 16 cruise ships will visit the city. All ships are received by Visit Karlskrona with an 18th-century inspired welcome in collaboration with the association "Carlscrona Rediviva" and "Flottans män" from Kulturkompaniet.

