Islands in the outer sea belt. The eastern archipelago.

You can reach these islands by archipelago boat, boat taxi or with your own boat or kayak. In Karlskrona you travel either from the jetty at Fisktorget or from Handelshamnen, there is also the opportunity to jump on from the larger islands along the route. Another possibility is to travel from the harbor in Torhamn with M/S Ungskär. The best way to experience all the islands, is by bike or on foot. Karlskrona Tourist Center, will be happy to tell you about the different islands. Here you will find a short description of some lovely islands to pay a visit.

Ytterön-Östra Hästholmen
These two conjoined islands, Ytterön and Östra Hästholmen, are a good example of how the inner archipelago's lush greenery turns into rocky plateaus, fissure valleys and meadow areas.

What´s to explore on this island?
The islands form one of Blekinge's largest nature reserves. Here you get to experience genuine cultural environments, nature reserves, bathing bays and above all the tranquility. A tip is to get around by bike with your own coffee basket. One place of interest is, The Mårtensson's brothers preserved boatyards, known for their special hunting canoes and other typical boatmodels, special for Blekinge. Note, only open to visitors om special occasions. There are also several exciting military remains, such as bunkers and towers. Nice bathing cliffs are found around the whole islands. Buddevik is a bathing place that has a small beach, and is suitable for smaller children. The steamboat pier is anoter bathing spot. The island Hästholmen has been permanently populated since the 17th century, but objects from the Stone Age have been found here. There is unfortynately no shop or café on the island, so it is your own packed lunch that applies.

Transportation: Ytterön - Östra Hästholmen is served by the Ytteröferry, which is a cable carferry, it departs from Yttre Park and takes only a few minutes cross the strait. Archipelago traffic also calls at Ytterön during the summer.

Read more about the islands here

Stenshamn & Utlängan
Far out in Karlskrona's eastern archipelago, the last outpost before Utklippan, are these two islands. Genuine and big enough for a day trip or maybe a couple of days in the guest harbor. The harbor is located on the island of Stenshamn and is also a popular guest harbor. The village is considered one of the best preserved fishing villages in the Karlskrona archipelago, and in the boathouse there is an exhibition, which describes the history of the islands during the 20th century.

What´s to explore on this island?
Mainly it is really nice nature experiences that you can experience on these islands. A rich bird life, opportunities for swimming and outdoor life. A nice hiking runs from Stenshamn and further over the dam to Utlängan. It is about 3,5 KM. The walking trail is marked with painted poles and there are signs with information. There is also a lookout tower by a restored wetland, where you can look out over the flat islands, which to a large extent only rise a few meters above sea level. The lighthouse is located furthest south and it is well worth a walk.
The kiosk, Pelles Sjöbod is located in the harbor and all summer, when the archipelago boat docks, you can buy coffee and ice cream. You can also rent a bicycle.

Transportation: You travel to Stenshamn by the archipelago boat M/S Witus or by M/S Ungskär from Torhamn. Ungskär operates the island on a year-round basis. There is also a kayak pier for those who want to paddle here and guest harbor places for those who come by private boat.

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This little island, has a well protected harbor and the village is gathered around it. The landscape is very low and is mostly grassy, from a distance, the cottages seem to float on the sea, a spectacular scene. These remote archipelago islands did not gain a permanent population until the 17th century, alongside Stenshamn, Ungskär is the best-preserved fishing village from that time.

What´s to explore on this island?
Head out on a voyage of discovery, there is a nice walking path on the island. A map can be picked up in the waiting hall by the harbor. There are several places of interest along the path, which is about 4 km. Especially, the island Lungskär, which is located west of Ungskär. The island is a reminder of the old days, with the remains of the heavy battery that was there from the late 30s. A large part of the island housed rock chambers with command posts and tunnels.

Accommodation: Ungskärs Skolhus

Transportation: You travel to Ungskär by the archipelago boat M/S Wittus or by M/S Ungskär from Torhamn. Ungskär operates the island on a year-round basis. There is also a kayak pier for those who want to paddle here and guest harbor places for those who come by private boat.

On this island, the historical remains are a common thread. Tere is a marked trail to hike and information signs along it. In the northern part of the island there are three seawalls from the Litorina period, and six stone coffins from the Stone Age have been found, it is believed that they are from about 2000 BC. At Inlängan there is also the archipelago's largest heath, beautiful to visit in the autumn. The wetlands are a habitat for large numbers of seabirds.

Transportation: You travel Inlängan by the archipelago boat M/S Wittus or by M/S Ungskär from Torhamn. Ungskär operates the island on a year-round basis.

The island, which is also called "pilots' island", is located next to the shipping lane that runs from the southern part of Kalmarsund to Karlskrona. The pilot station, was built on the island around 1710 and closed in 1960, but the village has retained its character of pilot and fishing location.

What´s to explore on this island?
You can hike a walking path that provides information about the island's natural and cultural landscape. In the pilothouse there are exhibitions related to the island's history. From the tower in the pilothouse, you have a fantastic view of the archipelago, if you dare to climb the stairs. During the summer, there is a café in the old eel-fishing cottage, it´s called Nätaboden's café.

Accommodation: Långörens Lotshus

Transportation: You travel Långören by the archipelago boat M/S Wittus or by M/S Ungskär from Torhamn. Ungskär operates the island on a year-round basis.

Discover more of the islands in the eastern archipelago

Cafe - Pelles Sjöbod

Cafe - Pelles Sjöbod

The charming little kiosk on the island Stenshamn, situated far out in Karlskrona´s Eastern

Långörens lotstorn

The Pilot's House of Långören

On the island of Långören in the Eastern archipelago, there is the old Pilot's house that offers a

Ungskär gästhamn

Guest Harbour Ungskär

Nice marina on the island Ungskär in Karlskrona's eastern archipelago.